> Settings_and_Tools / Company_Preferences / Parameters settings


You can use the Parameters tab, to set up or enable the optional areas of the software, making sure your software is working the way you want it to.

Open the Parameters tab through Settings > Company Preferences > Parameters,

Call ChargesOpen this section

Default call charge

Sage 50 Accounts Professional only

Enter an hourly charge rate in this box. This is the default rate that can be assigned to service invoices generated from the Communications window in the Customers module.

Transaction ProcessingOpen this section

Display Account Status

Choose what you want customer and supplier accounts that are on hold to do, when you enter a transaction for them.

You can choose to:

  • Show a warning on each change - When you enter transactions a warning appears but you can still save the transaction.
  • Stop the account - Prevents the posting of new transactions except receipts and payments.

OthersOpen this section

Exclude Deleted Transactions

Excludes any transactions that have been deleted from your reports and lists.

Also excludes the Deleted transactions that usually appear in red on the Audit Trail in the Financials window.

Display ActiveSearch Popup

During data entry this option finds the closest matches to what you are typing and then displays the results in a popup list for you to select from, accelerating data entry.

Present in:

  • Reference boxes - Such as customer account references and nominal account codes.

  • Recent items - The results list is made up from the last thirty two items you have typed in a box.

You can adjust lists by deleting items. To do this select the item > right-click > Delete.

Access Rights

Access rights control who can access your software and what changes they can make to your accounting information.

You cannot switch this feature off. Depending on the security you want for your software you can:

  • Use the manager logon name to access the software.

    manager provides access to all areas of your software. It's the default logon name, and is reserved by your software. It can't be deleted or renamed, although a password can be set for added security which is recommended. Find out more.

  • Set up access rights for each person who needs access to the software. Find out more.

Allow Negative Stock

Displays negative stock values, for example, a negative stock value may occur if you have not recorded recent deliveries of stock to your warehouse, but have still been recording the sales to your customers.

Note: If your stock value falls to a negative value, this affects your product valuation reports.

Copy Skeleton Journal Values

Sage 50 accounts Plus and Professional only

If you select this check box, any debit or credit values that you enter in your skeleton Nominal Ledger Journal Entries, which you make regularly, can be saved for later.

This is useful for routines like recording salaries, or posting opening and closing stock entries.

Timeslips Link

If you want to import accounting journals from your Timeslips software, select this check box.

When you select this check box an additional option appears on the File > Import window

Enable Reversing Journals

You can set a journal to reverse on a given date. You may find this useful if you need to account for an expense or income you have not yet received. If you select this check box, an additional Reversing Date box and check box appear on the Journal Entry window.

Login Check

Network version only

Clear this check box if you want to prevent people logging on to your software with a name that is already logged on.

If the check box is clear and a user attempts to log in using the same user name, the error message - Username is in use – the software cannot connect you at this time - appears.

The user can't log in until the other person using this user name has logged out.

Note: If you use this option, you must ensure that this check box is cleared on every PC on the network that runs Sage Accounts.

No Recurring Entries at Startup

If you have any recurring entries outstanding, each time you open your software, a window appears informing you that recurring entries are due.

To turn off this reminder, select the No Recurring entries at startup check box.

Enable Project Costing

Sage 50 Accounts Plus and Professional only

Select this check box if you want to use your software's Project Costing option.

Enable Charity\Non-Profit options

Select this check box if you want to use your software to manage a charity or non-profit organisation.

Enable Smart Totals

Select this check box if you want your software to display a total balance for all records selected within a ledger window, such as Customers, Nominal or Invoicing.

The window also shows how many records you have selected out of the total number available.

Note: The number of records selected and their total balance only displays on the Nominal Ledger if it is set to use the List layout. If the Nominal Ledger is using the Analyser or Graph layout, the totals don't display.

Log Events

Select this check box if you want your software to keep a record of important changes and processes in your data, such as when the year end process is completed.

Note: Only the manager user name can change this setting. The setting you select affects all users.

Pause outside Financial Year message

When you enter a transaction date, the software automatically checks the date and compares this to the financial year start date.

If the transaction is dated outside the current financial year - that is before or into the future, a warning appears:

If the date you have specified is correct, you may override the warning by choosing OK to accept the date.

Typically, you are unlikely to run the year end procedure for a couple of months into the new year. The result is that this message appears repeatedly, reduces your productivity and can be annoying, as you have to keep selecting Yes to continue.

You may want to take advantage of the check box visible on the message window, inviting you to pause this message for the <current financial year plus one>. This message only appears if the transaction date is in the next financial year.

If you select the check box, the message is suspended. Once the year-end has been run, the outside financial year message reappears when posting to any date outside the financial year.

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